My offering is to help you attune with your highest expression for vibrant, sustainable and long-lasting health. Able to muscle test for, and hear intuitively, the highest guidance for your well-being, I bring my deep presence, dedication, and whole heart to our time together. My greatest joy is in serving those acting on an inner draw to align more fully with a radiant, happy life. WATCH VIDEO


This process is unique to each individual, utilizing light-touch muscle testing to identify where we begin, whether it be nutrition and physical health, verbal processing, or emotional support and energetic integration. Together we will fine-tune your approach to optimal wellness, following your highest guidance. Once complete with our work together, you will leave with an increased sense of empowerment, clarity and direction for your path forward in wellness. I honor your courage, dedication, motivation, and vulnerability in this search for greater vitality in your life!


Having studied and worked with the biochemistry and energetics of the body, I have been a holistic nutritionist, natural health counselor and energy healer since 2004. My specialty is the creation of personalized health programs in private practice, as well as teaching groups and workshops on vibrant health globally.
